We are proud to present the latest addition to The Presence Group: Paradigma.

Paradigma is a collective of advisers, speakers and trainers with very diverse backgrounds. Its purpose is to study the links between people, organisations and societies.

We are living in times of unprecedented change and many of those changes are already shaking our societies and lifestyles to the core or will do so in the near future. Every person and organisation will be faced with a choice to either stick to their old paradigm, to change it or to radically adopt a new one. Paradigma supports people and organisations to deal with these unknowns.

What Paradigma loves best is to question your most cherished beliefs. They are a network of experts and advisers from very diverse fields and disciplines who can help you with fresh ideas, new insights and even expose you to ideas that are totally foreign to your current way of thinking. Understanding as many different perspectives as possible is an essential condition to think properly so that you can make the right decisions and define the right strategies.

But this is only the starting point. No insights, ideas or strategies stand a chance if they are not supported by your stakeholders. People do not only come to work, they want to lead meaningful lives in meaningful organisations. You need to tell a story that engages and reflects your purpose. Paradigma helps you to engage your stakeholders so that they become the ambassadors of your organisation because they are proud to work there.

Finally, Paradigma changes the ways in which you interact by creating different concepts, formats and experiences to engage your audiences emotionally and intellectually. People are judging your organisation all the time, so it is essential to inspire trust through your words and actions in every context.

In large organisations, Paradigma works with European Works Councils as they believe they can be real agents for change. European Works Councils act as sounding boards for companies enabling them to road test new initiatives before implementing them across Europe.

Let them spark your thinking to add meaning and impact to your life and to your organisation. Working with Paradigma means to expect the unexpected and the unusual.

Discover more on https://www.paradigma-partners.com.

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