Looking for an interpreter in Remscheid?

At The Presence Group we make booking a professional interpreter in Remscheid easy, whether your meeting is in person or online. Our carefully selected interpreters are here to support you at your in-person or online meeting. Thanks to our global network we work with local interpreters in most major cities around the world.

We select our interpreters based on their education, experience and professionalism, to suit your preferences and expectations. Whether your meeting is in person, virtual or hybrid: we have the right solution. Book your interpreting service with us to experience flawless communication.

Contact us for a quotation and book your interpreter in Remscheid today!

600+ happy customers
Need an interpreter in Remscheid? - Professional interpreting service
Need an interpreter in Remscheid? - Professional interpreting service

What types of interpreting service do we offer in Remscheid?

Simultaneous interpretation during your in-person meeting, event or conference

In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter translates as the speaker is talking – usually from an interpreter booth – during in-person meetings. For online and hybrid meetings, interpreters can attend the session from their own workplace. Our experienced simultaneous interpreters will ensure you and your colleagues never miss a word.

Consecutive interpreting

In consecutive interpreting, the interpreter waits for the speaker to pause to translate the message into the target language. They may do this a sentence at a time, or provide a summary for longer passages. This method is ideal for bilingual meetings, witness statements, job interviews and press conferences.

Whispered interpreting

Whispered interpreting is a form of simultaneous interpreting without an interpreting booth plus equipment. The interpreter whispers the translation into the ear of one or two participants. The benefit here is that it saves time. This method is ideal for small groups.

Liaison interpreting during guided tours

Whispered interpreting or consecutive interpreting is usually used in guided tours. Whispered interpreting is suitable for one or two participants, while consecutive interpreting is usually better for larger groups. In this case, the interpreter will translate the message into the target language when the speaker pauses.

Online interpreting

There are a number of benefits to using online interpreting. In this case, interpreters work flexibly from their own workplace or from a remote hub. As a result you save on venue costs, as well as travelling time and transport costs. Not only that, you are reducing your carbon footprint making this a smart, eco-friendly option!

AI interpretation

AI interpretation delivers real-time language translation for virtual, hybrid or in-person meetings. This technology is fast and accessible, and is ideal for routine meetings or large-scale webinars. However, for complex discussions, nuanced topics or culturally sensitive matters, human interpreters will always remain the preferred choice.

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How to organise a multilingual meeting or event with interpretation in Remscheid

Interpreting booths

The Presence Group uses ISO-certified, sound-proof interpreting booths with the workspace set up for two interpreters. As the booth is usually at the back of the room, the interpreters have a good view of the participants without disturbing them.

Table microphones, headsets & receivers

We provide for a seamless communication experience at in-person conferences, events and interactive meetings. Audience members are given a headset and infrared receiver on arrival that will enable them to follow the interpretation in their language. We provide table microphones and headsets for panels, round-table discussions and meetings with a U-shaped seating arrangement to ensure conversations and discussions run smoothly.

Tour guide sets

Tour guide sets (also called a whisper set or Bidule) are ideal for small groups with a limited number of languages. The interpreter whispers into a microphone while participants listen in on headphones. A straightforward and budget-friendly solution!

Technicians & peripheral equipment

The Presence Group provides everything you need to ensure your live multilingual meeting goes without a hitch. From sound systems, microphones and screens to laptops and tablets: we provide end-to-end technical support in the run-up to and throughout your event. Our experienced technicians will attend to install and rigorously test the relevant systems ahead of your event, and stay on site for the duration to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Need an interpreter in Remscheid? - Professional interpreting service

Why book your interpreter in Remscheid through The Presence Group?

Providing interpreters in Remscheid, at multilingual corporate events, at conferences, at European Works Councils all over Europe has been the core business of The Presence Group for over 20 years. The Presence Group makes it easy to book an interpreter in Remscheid in every language you might possibly need, including Dutch, French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and many more.

When you come to us you can be sure of professional, efficient service: the result of our many years experience and in-depth expertise. In addition to experienced interpreters, we also provide high-end audiovisual equipment to ensure your event goes without a hitch. Whether your meeting is in person, online or hybrid: we ensure you get your message across clearly. Ready to give your international communication a boost? Contact us for a quotation and discover our professional interpreters in Remscheid today!

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